Here’s HOW.
- Sign in your personal account to
- Click your profile to go to Balance Menu.
3. Enter “FilipAsset” in searching field to find the deposit currencies.
4. Click the “Deposit” (1), and generate address of your wallet clicking on “Show me the Deposit Address” (2). Some currencies require payment ID to be deposited (3)
5. Copy the “FA Deposit Address”, and paste to your NXT wallet account to send your FA. and if require, copy the FA Deposit Address Public Key.
6. While making deposit, please, pay attention to the currency fee on deposits to avoid misunderstanding in the future. If you do not have the currency, which requires fee, you will get negative balance while making deposit in this currency. Afterwards, you should deposit or buy the required amount as you will not be able to withdraw.
Above the Deposit Address, there is a Deposit Fee amounting to 4 NXT. You should have 4NXT in your account.
7. One of the most common deposit errors is when the user deposits coins to the wrong coin type address. Please, be attentive while filling in the deposit address field.
The failure to understand these guidelines will lead to deposit loss without reimbursement.
8. You can track the deposit process in deposit history and after it gets the required number of confirmations the coins will be sent to your wallet.