I am a crypto-virgin. Is it too late for me?
You might have heard of your friends talking about bitcoin and how much its value is now and you wonder what on Earth are they talking about? Why will a single ‘coin’ have so much value compared to your blue bills, right?
Well in that case, congratulations to you! You have finally stopped living under a rock! Why? Because the first step to earning through btc is learning, but the step before that is understanding, which also happens to be a step ahead of CURIOSITY.
Much like you, curiosity drove me to read, understand, and take part in a cryptocurrecy related endeavor. Books will get you far, but your persistence and determination will get your further. Your curiosity will drive your initiative to participate in conversations, even as a silent reader, among crypto-enthusiasts, as well as crypto-virgins.
I personally know a couple of crypto-millionaires and the common character that they have, generosity. This team of generous crypto-millionaires are embarking on a journey of fintech revolution in the Philippines. From the vision of the CEO, Janice Arino, to have a country that is globally competitive and does not lag behind fintech giants, the team created the FILIPCOIN. Coined from the word FILIPINO, which will put the country on the map of crypto-traders, FILIPCOIN will be offering a wide-range of services ranging from service payments, to supporting the SME economy, under its own FILIP Blockchain. FILIPCOIN is not created just so we can trade it, but rather, it is created for the many use it can provide to its owners, users, investors, and stakeholders.
But the most exciting part about this is…
Yes! ICO! Initial Coin Offering!
Why? Because the cheapest way to buy and own these coins is through ICO! ICO is where the coin is initially offered to the entire public at the lowest initial price increasing gradually as the ICO progress until such time that the allotted coins for ICO are completely consumed by the entire public.
So, if you are a crypto-virgin and does not own even a cents of a btc, this is your ticket to owning your first cryptocurrency. Another good news, as of writing, you still have a chance to learn more about cryptocurrencies since FILIPCOIN ICO will be on February 2018.
Indeed, FILIPCOIN will be entering a new year with a BANG!
Good luck, Virgin!